Woman caught bringing 0.5 KG cocaine in her shoes to Madina

Saudi authorities are able to unveil the strangest case. A smuggler was found smuggling half a kilogram cocaine into the Holy City of Madina. The strange thing about this case was that the smuggler was a female who had hidden cocaine in her shoes and purse in a fine manner.

If she wasn’t checked properly, she must have passed by. She was caught on Tuesday and the Anti-Drug Authorities of Saudi Arabia went forth on social media to share the news. They posted a video where a pair of shoes and a purse were equipped with cocaine.

People’s reaction

Soon, this was the most trending video across the Saudi-Twitter. People shared it with different views. Many people were just in shock and were speechless. They used emoji(s) to express how shocked they were.

Many were proud of the Saudi Authorities for catching up with the criminal and being vigilant. They praised the authorities for their hard work. A Twitter user commented on the video posted by Anti-Drugs Authorities “a salute to all of you!”

Some said they could not believe that a woman was smuggling cocaine. While some pointed out that she must be a part of a larger network and that authorities shall investigate things further. While some said that while picking up the gang, the authorities have caught a distributor.

This is however not the first time the strange case had surfaced. There have been many cases of drug smuggling that were cracked down by the Saudi Authorities. People tend to smuggle drugs into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia via different modes. Some would even carry large amounts of drugs and would think they would get by.

Only in the month of March, the border police at Jazan was able to arrest 7 smugglers who were trying to smuggle as much as 618 kilograms of hashish into the Kingdom. This year a smuggler was caught who was trying to smuggle 17,000 Captagon pills in Saudi Arabia.

Anti-Drug Authorities of Saudi Arabia

This year, at the King Abdulaziz International Airport multiple passengers were caught equipped with drugs. This year different passengers tried to smuggle in as much as 925.8 grams of heroin and 4,972 banned Tramadol tablets.

We are sure that if our authorities keep up the hard work and use harsh punishment for these criminals, the black market of drugs would never flourish in Saudi Arabia. Drugs are the root cause of crimes in any society!

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